AML & CFT Compliance in South Africa

Money laundering poses a significant threat to the integrity of financial systems and can have serious implications for a country's economy. South Africa has long recognized the importance of AML regulations, but enforcement has varied over the years. 

In February 2023, however, South Africa was greylisted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) due to concerns about its AML and counter-terrorism financing (CFT) efforts. This greylisting indicates a need for enhanced AML governance and stricter compliance measures.

The Greylisting and Its Implications

Greylisting by the FATF signifies that South Africa's AML/CFT framework is inadequate, potentially exposing the country to illicit financial activities. To address this, the South African government is compelled to take significant steps to strengthen its AML practices. The greylisting is set to be reviewed in January 2025, emphasising the urgency for robust AML compliance measures.

AML Laws and Regulations in South Africa

Several key laws and regulations support AML and CFT efforts in South Africa:

Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA): This act establishes the framework for AML regulations in the country. It mandates reporting of suspicious transactions, customer due diligence (CDD), and record-keeping requirements.

Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA): POCA criminalizes various forms of money laundering and provides a legal basis for freezing and confiscating assets linked to criminal activities.

Exchange Control Regulations: These regulations control the movement of funds in and out of the country, further preventing illegal financial activities.

Regulatory Authorities

AML and CFT efforts in South Africa are overseen by regulatory authorities including:

Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC): The FIC is responsible for implementing FICA and serves as a central hub for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating financial intelligence.

South African Reserve Bank (SARB): The SARB collaborates with the FIC and other agencies to ensure compliance with AML regulations within the financial sector.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with AML regulations can result in severe penalties, including substantial fines and imprisonment. The exact penalties vary depending on the violation and the severity of the offence. Under POCA alone, a person or company might face a R100M fine or 30 years imprisonment for contravening AML regulation in South Africa.

Organizations and individuals alike can face legal consequences for failing to meet AML obligations.

How to get AML compliant in SA

To become AML compliant in South Africa's evolving landscape, businesses need to implement robust compliance strategies. One effective solution is Your Company's Sanction Screening Solution – ZenDetect, offering frictionless, continuous, and automated Sanction List Screening. ZenDetect enables businesses to:

  • Batch Upload: Easily upload existing customer data for screening against sanction lists.
  • Continuous Screening: Automatically screen both new and existing customers against updated sanction lists.
  • Instant notifications: Get notified of any flags or sanction list updates.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Access user-friendly reporting and analytics tools to track compliance efforts.
  • Advanced Integration: Seamlessly integrate ZenDetect with various databases for comprehensive screening.

In a time of increased scrutiny and stricter regulations, staying AML compliant is not just essential for avoiding penalties but also for upholding the integrity of South Africa's financial ecosystem.

Remember, the January 2025 review of South Africa's greylisting status underscores the urgency for proactive AML measures.

Contact us to learn more about how ZenDetect can help your business achieve seamless AML compliance in this changing landscape.